“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” ~Sam Walton
It is likely that you’ve heard the saying, ‘the customer is always right.’ Some of you may choose to believe that this isn’t accurate, but in today’s ever-changing marketplace, more and more power is being given to the consumer.
Within recent years sites such as Yelp, Consumer Affairs and Google/Yahoo reviews, have really had their hand in the success or popularity of many businesses. One negative customer experience can result in a poorly rated review that is read by thousands. Too many negative reviews and the only thing that pops up when somebody googles your company are all the bad things people are saying.
With that in mine, one piece of valuable advice is to focus on customer service. A good review or positive referral will help you out just as much as a negative review or comment will hurt you. Go out of your way to please your guests. You’ll never know how many people don’t come into your store because they heard something negative about your company and don’t want to risk it!
Just do a little homework: google yourself and read some of your reviews. Put your company into Yelp and see what comes back. You can make good customer service a habit and a legacy.