Do you have trouble tooting your own horn, especially when it comes to marketing your franchise? Have no fear! You can actually market and have fun at the same time!
Make it personal
One of the best things about owning a franchise is that you can bring your own personal touches to the job. If there are local charities you’re involved in, partner with them to bring attention to both their cause and your business. Likewise, if there are national or cultural activities dear to your heart, make part of your schedule about celebrating them with the community.
Bring the flair
If you have a flair for graphic design or similar artistry, or know someone who does, bring that to the table when creating marketing pieces for your franchise. You can design fliers and ads around the franchise’s logo, but with the creative skills you possess or admire. Whoever said marketing had to be dull?
Do what you like
Do you really hate ALL marketing activities, or are there just a few you’d rather not do? If that’s the case, find at least one task that suits you, or comes to you naturally. You can always outsource the rest – either to your employees or a separate party (as long as your franchise approves).
So tell us: How do YOU make marketing your franchise more fun?