A lot of time and research is spent figuring out what customers want. From what they can afford to what they prefer, there are stats aplenty on how they shop, what they use to shop and how they rate businesses for loyalty, among many other metrics.
There can be a lot of confusing and conflicting information. Thankfully, we have info from two trusted sources, PriceWaterhouse Coopers and the Canada Post. Surveys from these companies finally shed some light on what customers want and how you can improve your business.
Here’s a look at just a few of their findings:
Convenience and speediness are important
It’s clear that people want more ways to make their shopping easier and more efficient. The Post’s survey cited these as the top three reasons someone would shop at an online business: saving time, 24/7 access, and price comparisons. If possible, offering online shopping is a great way to meet this demand. You can also incorporate things like curbside shopping or delivery, too!
They love loyalty programs
The PWC survey points out that 52% of consumers sampled would shop at a business with loyalty programs for customers. Adding a loyalty program or punch card is a great way to entice business and get repeat customers. It’s something to consider as an enticement for more business and giving a perk that feels unique to your own business.
Spending more in smaller chunks
It’s interesting to note in that same survey that 50% of respondents are going to a store or site less frequently, but they’re spending more when they do so. That denotes some intentional spending that maybe wasn’t as commonplace before. Having your site or store layout reflect the breadth of what you can offer — but making it convenient no matter the source — is something to consider.
Environmental stewardship
There was an interesting stat we noticed in the Post: 44% of shoppers will be more loyal to a business if they are focused on reducing their carbon footprint. This ties to the fact that 4 in 10 people surveyed by the Post also are concerned about their own carbon footprint. It may be a good time to speak with suppliers about how they help the environment and let customers know how you’re doing the same. If you are using more environmentally-friendly projects, make sure to advertise it! Make it clear that you do things like use recycled packaging or bags, use less plastic, or do other things like recycling or compost.
Change when it’s needed (or stay on track)
There are plenty of other factors that drive a customer’s willingness to spend. But as demonstrated above, a lot of it comes down to those crucial factors of service, convenience and value.
It’s also clear that working with all types of customers requires a blend of personal dynamics and high-tech tools. When coupled with superior service, those two factors can bring great success to any type of company.
Try to incorporate one or all of these tips into your future business strategy. They’ll certainly help you improve your clientele and business. And above all, it’ll help you understand your customers even better!