They say it’s a man’s world out there, but not where franchising is concerned! Women are taking the franchising business by storm, and with good reason. Below are just a few of them.
Serious organizational skills
Women are great at... (Read More)
Have you ever wondered why celebrities, who often already have millions of dollars, open franchises? Well, sometimes there’s more to owning a business than just making money. Read on to see some of the non-monetary benefits these famous folks... (Read More)
Do you worry constantly about your franchise? Do worst-case scenarios dance around in your head as you’re trying to sleep? Here are a few things that may set your mind at ease:
Stuff happens – but you can handle it
If an attack of the... (Read More)
If you’re thinking of buying a franchise, there may be another question you’re considering: Should you bring a partner into it? Below are some of the pros and cons of going “solo” or “duo” in franchising.
Less work. One... (Read More)
Fact: the majority of individuals who purchase a franchise are men. Also fact: women are quickly catching up to them. (Between 2011 and 2017, female franchise ownership jumped by 83 percent, while male ownership only increased 13 percent). The... (Read More)
It’s always been your dream to own your own franchise, but money is a constant sticking point. It’s no surprise you need start-up funds to achieve this goal, but where will the cash come from? Besides the obvious places like your own savings... (Read More)
Investing in a franchise business can be extremely rewarding, but it isn't for everyone either. It's important to understand that franchise businesses are completely different than independent entities.
For example, you might want to open a... (Read More)
How often do you find yourself saying, “owning a franchise would be a great opportunity, but I have no time in my schedule.” Owning a franchise may not take as much time as you think. In fact, if you have even a little bit of spare time... (Read More)
You know when to do certain things because it just feels right. Marrying that special someone. Making that cross-country move. Accepting that important job offer. But how do you know the time is right to be the owner of your own franchise?
When... (Read More)