If you’ve paid any attention to the news over the past few years, it may not come as a shock to learn that cyber crime has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal moneymaker. It’s true. That’s why it’s critical to know how to protect yourself while you’re using your computer or mobile device, whether online or offline. Here are some important tips designed to keep you and your data safe:
Watch those USB drives. Although they remain popular ways to port around files, security experts recommend avoiding USB drives to share files and other information. USB devices can have malware installed to completely take over a personal computer, invisibly alter files installed from the memory stick or even redirect a user’s Internet traffic.
Be cautious with public Wi-fi. Using your laptop, tablet or smartphone at a café, in a hotel or at the airport can leave you vulnerable. Always be cautious about what information you send and the sites you visit. Checking the baseball score? Fine. Checking your bank account? You might think twice about that.
Invest in security software. Keep your devices up-to-date with the latest firewall protection and antivirus programs. Update as necessary.
Use an email filtering service. Unfortunately, malware and viruses are often sent out through spam or email from a friend or colleague who may have had an account or computer hacked. An email filtering service hosted by a third party provides another important layer of protection.
Create a policy. Are you a business owner or manager? You may want to create a policy for employees detailing where, how and which devices can be used to access company data. Do your employees check their email from a smartphone? That can increase productivity, but you need to have a system in place to secure your data. Enlisting the help of a technology professional can be a wise investment in your business.